Legal notices

Conception et production :

This website is the property of:
S.A.R.L Chateau Cantelauze
Head office : Route de Vire sur Lot, 46700 Duravel, France
Phone number: +33 (0)5 65 24 58 75
Siret 53505837400013, RCS Cahors B 535 058 374, with capital of 300 000 €.
Leaders: Marcel Mezy

This work is therefore protected by the international laws on copyright and protection of intellectual property. It is strictly forbidden to reproduce without the previous and written agreement of the director of the publication Marcel Mezy.

This online store were created using PrestaShop program.

The network service provider:

Tilbury Consulting
20 rue Marx Dormoy
75018 Paris

The Oenoline site is hosted by:
OVH - SAS with capital of 10 000 000 € RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045
APE CODE 6202A – VAT number: FR 22 424 761 419
Head office: 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix – France.

The user of the website acknowledges:
- He has read the present legal notice and undertakes to observe its provisions
- Having the competence and necessary means to access and utilize this site
- That he has verified that the system configuration used does not contain any virus
- That the website is available 24/7, except in case of force majeure
- Respect the provisions of the aforementioned law, he or she is liable to be penalised.

It is recalled that the informations supplied by the Web site operator, should be taken only as an indication and not as being totally accurate. He will takes all possible measures to provide users with information that is available and correct, but cannot be held responsible in case of non-availability informations or virus on the Web site.

For maintenance reasons, the owner of the website can shut down the website and will endeavour to inform its users in advance.

Photo credits: André Meravilles / Estelle Delesque / SARL Château Cantelauze©